Returnee mother has something to say

21 Oct 2021 16:02

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When teaching in elementary schools in the United States, the most favorite and most challenging thing is the circle time. The teacher and the children sit in a circle and start discussing a topic. What these children worry most about is raising their small hands and not being caught. When the teacher called, sometimes I had to stand up to attract the teacher’s attention; and when I came to an international elementary school in Beijing, children of the same age, when I asked, "Is there any problem?" The children were surprised. "What do you mean?" The children are no longer adaptable or have lost the ability to "proactively ask questions"; even when answering a question, they will secretly look at my response to confirm whether it is the "correct answer". Children have become accustomed to passively receiving the knowledge passed by the teacher, seeking the only correct "standard answer".
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